Sunday, December 11, 2011

Dear God, I'm at work but I need you at daycare please

Let me start by saying, we are very thankful for the healthcare that we have gotten since moving here to Ohio. Work is a struggle for Dusty and I; he's learning a new portion of his job, and I'm getting back into the heart of mine for the first time in years.

Anyway, Ellie's daycare has her PT, OT, and feeding therapy. (That's right, she's getting feeding therapy! Onto that later...) Dropping her off the first day was incredibly scary, as with any child. She's still in the infant room since it's safer then the toddler room where kids are running around not paying attention. She had her adjustment drinking so she was getting DDAVP more than normal which interfered with her drinking and it was a vicious circle. After about a month and a half she got on a routine, and I grew to really appreciate the daytime care provider. I had my worries about the afternoon care provider.

With all of that said since her daytime care provider quit less than two weeks ago Ellie has come home with a wet shirt on two occasions, and Friday... well that’s why I’m praying. I’m praying for patience and understanding because I want to know WHY Ellie came home with her shirt smelling like puke, front AND back. I don’t have the patience not to go in there fuming. I forgot about it yesterday and honestly that’s best because my blood boils too hot when I think about it, and tonight before I started typing I had to have two glasses of wine (all I needed was an excuse).I’ll do my best to update quicker but until then I’ve got to sign off...

Please look below and see the link to our family photos. Yes, we’re cute/awesome/loving and any other adjective you can think of ;) And I know, they both look exactly like Dusty... damn those genes are strong, let’s hope my nose gene is stronger ;) just kidding, I don’t notice those things. (haha, although weight I do...)
Anyway, more to come later...

1 comment:

  1. Hoping that the daycare provider gets better as said in the later blogs. that would have totally pissed me off about the puke smelling shirt and the slack from the provider. I would have needed some wine to write that too! Any excuse is a good excuse for having wine! LOL. Ellie kind of looks like you too! His son definitely looks like him but Ellie looks like you too! I see it!
