Wednesday, May 18, 2011

I'm sure you've all been wondering...

The past week or two Ellie has been doing great! There was a week that she had a cold and cough that scared me enough to go to the ER but she was just fine and that same weekend a tooth broke the surface. Related? I'm not sure but I'm on alert if it happens again.

So she has a tooth and she likes to play and chop her gums. It's quite funny. She's also making her tummy time more effective, meaning she's kicking and lifting up and it's only a matter of time before she rolls over.

I have deactivated my Facebook account since I'm taking an online class. I'm just not disciplined enough to stay off of it while I'm doing, or attempting to do schoolwork. I'll get back on eventually but your Ellie 'fixes' will have to be satisfied here for now. Good news is I have an app on my phone to update from anywhere :)

Here are some photos

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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