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"The real problem of blindness is not the loss of eyesight; it is the misunderstanding and lack of information that exist." NFB Welcome to our exciting journey with Ellie Grace. Ellie was diagnosed with Septo Optic Dysplasia (SOD) and Optic Nerve Hypoplasia (ONH). These diagnoses mean her optic nerves/discs are under developed causing significant vision impairment (what degree is not known yet). Her pituitary gland is under developed too which creates hormone inbalances.
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Someone call the WAAAmbulance
This little girl is becoming a whiner. I probably condone it but I'm really not going to stop picking her up, walking her around, or trying to make her smile and laugh. She has been a little more whiny then usual the past few days and running a higher temp. Another tooth? I feel like I keep crying wolf when I say that but seems like those little things are just taking their sweet time to pop through. She's getting big though. We are definitely out of 6 month clothes and into 9 month clothes. Which means we need to go shopping! I love shopping for her, but she has to be around because when I buy and she's not they always end up too small.
She said MA!!!!! The other morning I had just got done changing her diaper and putting clothes on her (which you have to do when she's sitting up like a big girl otherwise you get scream-central) and she lifted her hands up higher (because they are naturally in the field goal position) and said MA in her little pouty face :) I was super excited! I'm going to say she knew what she was doing with that one. She also said DA the other day when we were skyping with daddy. He doesn't believe it but she really did! She has also pulled herself up from a reclined positon... all on her own. Pretty darn cool if you ask me! We're so proud of her!!!!
She is still tight-lipping food :( It's so frustrating because of how much food I ordered right before she started... Well one day when I went to the grocery I figured she's almost 9 months now, it's time for her to try some meat and I bought veggies and turkey. I gave it to her this afternoon and there was definitely no tight-lipping the spoon that time! She only ate about 1/2 the jar but I'll try some other food tonight and then give her the rest of the turkey tomorrow. Too bad all that food I ordered was mostly fruits and veggies, I'm really kicking myself for that. It was $80 worth!
Ellie got her growth hormone medicine in the mail. We go this week to see her endo and maybe she's going to start on that. This stuff is no joke and I've had pharmacy's calling me and drug company's calling all to provide me with info and supplies. But we're pretty well set to start, I'm not going to look forward to poking her with needles :( It's enough of a pain to crush up and give her thyroid medicine and the nasal tube for her other medicine. It's the nature of the beast I suppose.
Oh how I love Vista Print! I ordered business cards for this site from there and I also ordered invitations for her 1st birthday part (and Dusty and my wedding reception) for really cheap AND got a FREE $75 gift card for Google Ad Words. Which I just initiated our Ad Word account. Ad Words is going to link this site any time someone googles one of my key terms. I'm pretty excited! I'm hoping that this is going to reach more parents and family members who have or is dealing with SOD/ONH/DI or any of the other issues that come from them. Which reminds me.... Ellie and I will be attending the Magic Foundation's Convention in July!!!! I'm so excited because there I am hoping to meet other families who know what we're going through, even if they don't have SOD, rare diseases are enough to bond people, we understand that very few really understand. If you want to know more here's the link to the Convention. (the highlighted words are actually hyperlinks, click to follow to the page)
If you're a parent or educator for visionally impaired children email me!
Till next time... enjoy the videos :)
She said MA!!!!! The other morning I had just got done changing her diaper and putting clothes on her (which you have to do when she's sitting up like a big girl otherwise you get scream-central) and she lifted her hands up higher (because they are naturally in the field goal position) and said MA in her little pouty face :) I was super excited! I'm going to say she knew what she was doing with that one. She also said DA the other day when we were skyping with daddy. He doesn't believe it but she really did! She has also pulled herself up from a reclined positon... all on her own. Pretty darn cool if you ask me! We're so proud of her!!!!
She is still tight-lipping food :( It's so frustrating because of how much food I ordered right before she started... Well one day when I went to the grocery I figured she's almost 9 months now, it's time for her to try some meat and I bought veggies and turkey. I gave it to her this afternoon and there was definitely no tight-lipping the spoon that time! She only ate about 1/2 the jar but I'll try some other food tonight and then give her the rest of the turkey tomorrow. Too bad all that food I ordered was mostly fruits and veggies, I'm really kicking myself for that. It was $80 worth!
Ellie got her growth hormone medicine in the mail. We go this week to see her endo and maybe she's going to start on that. This stuff is no joke and I've had pharmacy's calling me and drug company's calling all to provide me with info and supplies. But we're pretty well set to start, I'm not going to look forward to poking her with needles :( It's enough of a pain to crush up and give her thyroid medicine and the nasal tube for her other medicine. It's the nature of the beast I suppose.
Oh how I love Vista Print! I ordered business cards for this site from there and I also ordered invitations for her 1st birthday part (and Dusty and my wedding reception) for really cheap AND got a FREE $75 gift card for Google Ad Words. Which I just initiated our Ad Word account. Ad Words is going to link this site any time someone googles one of my key terms. I'm pretty excited! I'm hoping that this is going to reach more parents and family members who have or is dealing with SOD/ONH/DI or any of the other issues that come from them. Which reminds me.... Ellie and I will be attending the Magic Foundation's Convention in July!!!! I'm so excited because there I am hoping to meet other families who know what we're going through, even if they don't have SOD, rare diseases are enough to bond people, we understand that very few really understand. If you want to know more here's the link to the Convention. (the highlighted words are actually hyperlinks, click to follow to the page)
If you're a parent or educator for visionally impaired children email me!
Till next time... enjoy the videos :)
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
I'm sure you've all been wondering...
The past week or two Ellie has been doing great! There was a week that she had a cold and cough that scared me enough to go to the ER but she was just fine and that same weekend a tooth broke the surface. Related? I'm not sure but I'm on alert if it happens again.
So she has a tooth and she likes to play and chop her gums. It's quite funny. She's also making her tummy time more effective, meaning she's kicking and lifting up and it's only a matter of time before she rolls over.
I have deactivated my Facebook account since I'm taking an online class. I'm just not disciplined enough to stay off of it while I'm doing, or attempting to do schoolwork. I'll get back on eventually but your Ellie 'fixes' will have to be satisfied here for now. Good news is I have an app on my phone to update from anywhere :)
Here are some photos

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
So she has a tooth and she likes to play and chop her gums. It's quite funny. She's also making her tummy time more effective, meaning she's kicking and lifting up and it's only a matter of time before she rolls over.
I have deactivated my Facebook account since I'm taking an online class. I'm just not disciplined enough to stay off of it while I'm doing, or attempting to do schoolwork. I'll get back on eventually but your Ellie 'fixes' will have to be satisfied here for now. Good news is I have an app on my phone to update from anywhere :)
Here are some photos
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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