Well Dusty got back from Afghanistan about 2 weeks ago and Ellie greeted him with a cold/cough that has last the past week and is hanging in tough. Poor girl is starting to feel better but she's on a steroid, which is helping but it complicates some of her medication so we really have to watch her. We went to the ER the other night and was there for about 5 hours (1-5am), luckily we only had movers coming to the storage unit and not work.
We have had movers coming and going pretty much all week, luckily today is the last day and then we go into temporary lodging on base until we head out Sept 6th for Ohio!
For those who are smart with dates (that typically does not include me) you know Ellie's 1st birthday is coming up! Now I personally am not going to say, Oh the last year has just flown by... It has been the longest and most emotionally challenging year of my life! I can hardly believe that I have a baby that's a year old though.
Her feeding issues are still around and I actually got her to play with food and take a few bites the other day but she really has to be in a good mood to even try. I'm hoping that she smashes up her birthday cake but if not then at least we can still eat it... By "we" I mean dad
I'll soon have a new battery for my laptop which should make updates easier. (I hate being chained by my power cord.)
As for the last posting of no more meds.... Unfortunately that's not the case. She needs the medication we just don't give it to her as frequently. Depends of her and how much is absorbed when blown in her nose (sounds funny but don't get hung up on the details
Until next time....
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